Parents often find it hard to make out when a teen is at risk for dropping out of school, failing in classes, indulging in violence, drug or alcohol use, teen suicide and other dangerous or self-defeating behaviors. Our objective is information and resources they need to quickly recognize risk factors and take appropriate action to help their adolescents.
Before setting up your discipline plan with your teen, you need to help them understand the
difference between natural consequences and logical consequences. Examples of natural consequences are if they do not get their homework done and fail the assignment. Or if they forget to take their breakfast, they are hungry for a large part of the day. Logical consequences are more of what you could lay out in a contract or like agreement. These include consequences for reckless driving - losing car privileges, or staying out to late - an added hour to curfew for the next weekend.
Some Added Tips for Disciplining Your Struggling Boys and Girls :
Before you punish, give your teen time to report the cause. Listen and find out the entire circumstance that led to the broken rule.
Make consequences fit the rule.
Understand the one set of rules that fit one teen might not fit another teen in the family. Let each teen have an individual say in his/her own rules and consequences. Remember the consequences set. Again, this is a good reason to have a contract to refer to. Be reasonable. Don't just set consequences because you were brought up a certain way. If needed, alter your discipline plan, especially as your teen grows and their needs change.
Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and your behavior. When you become addicted to alcohol or other drugs, your brain actually changes in certain ways. Someone who is addicted uses drugs without thinking of the consequences, such as problems with health, money, relationships and performance at work or at school.
List of the Troubled Teens Pprograms:
Boot Camps, Boarding Schools, Wilderness Programs, Military Schools, Residential Treatment Center, Teens Boot Camps, Girls Boarding Schools, Home for Troubled Teens, Teens Group Homes etc.
Our goal is to provide you with all the resources you need to get past any troubled you and your teenagers are dealing with. At TroubledTeensHome our plan is to be the most comprehensive online support group site to the struggling familes and troubled teens boys and girls.