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 » Troubled Teen Programs - Choose the best programs for your strugging teen !
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There are many types of Struggling Teens summer programs Lets see what is it? Summer Program for Struggling Teen is the next label of a tradition since the mid-1800s.

The First Struggling Camps held by Frederick W. Gunn in 1861. Mr. W. Gunn and his wife named Abigail operated a home school for boys in Washington .

The Frederick W. Gunn operated the Gunnery Camp for twelve more years.

Today's Summer Programs are the most expensive wide range of camp tuition available, from about $400 to $1200 per week. Some very good programs are available at the lower end of the spectrum.

Residential or Non-Residential Summer Program for Struggling Teens

Is your child mature enough to go to a residential summer program? While age is a factor, it is certainly not the only factor. If a child has never spent time away from home without parents, a trip away to a strange environment for two weeks may be too difficult. If you would like to give a less mature child an experience at a residential camp, be sure you plan for the child to take brief excursions away from home alone before the summer program begins.

Residential and non-residential summer programs provide different kinds of opportunities. Children at residential programs will often meet a more diverse group of students representing a wide range of geographic and experiential backgrounds. They are also more likely to engage in a wider range of activities that offer opportunities for social development and lasting friendships. Non-residential summer programs are usually less expensive and may provide activities in local community institutions, such as museums or public schools, which cannot support residential programs.

Some summer programs are structured around classes and predetermined activities for children; other programs are largely independent study or mentor ships requiring a high level of independence, self-motivation, and responsibility. Knowing your child's ability and level of comfort with independence is critical in making an appropriate choice of program.

here are several sources of information that will help you find out about the quality of the programs offered. First, there are printed materials. Many programs offer schedules, course descriptions, etc. Program directors and the teaching staff should be willing to share the curriculum and the instructional strategies used. While they may revise instructional offerings from year to year, examples from past years will be helpful. Talking to students who have attended in the past is very useful. And one great testimony is how many children return regularly and even return to be counselors and teachers.

List of the Troubled Teens Pprograms:

Troubled Teens Programs    Teen Boot Camps    Teen Boarding Schools   Teens Suicide 

          Teen Military Schools       Teens Wilderness Camps       Christian Boarding School

                         Residential Treatment Centers       Runnaway Teens

    Child Behavior
Teens Boarding Schools
Teens Boot Camps
Teens Military School
Residential Treatment
Christian Boarding
Peer Pressure Influence
Teens Wilderness Camp
Runaway Teens
Teens Suicide
Juvenile Justice System
Teen Group Homes
Teen Summer Programs

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