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We can define Parenting as it is the process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood. This is usually done in a child's family by parents. Parenting means being open to change. Parenting typically utilizes rewards, praise and punishment as tools of behavioral control. In some jurisdictions physical punishment is prohibited by law and a lot of parents have adopted non-physical approaches to child behavior

Research shows that physical punishment is not an effective behavior modification tool. The term child training implies a specific type of parenting that focuses on holistic understanding between child and parent. The philosophy of children sees both praise and punishment as manipulative and harmful to children. The term of parenting create strong emotional bonds and avoid physical punishment. It is important for parents to consider how they have experienced the different stages and how they are feeling with the nature of parenting.

It is critical that a child be afforded opportunity to bond with parents. A young child feels better when both parents take an active role in parenting. There become a positive relationship between parents and the social, emotional, and cognitive growth of a child. Parents can care for their child with equal effectiveness and their parenting styles.

Parenting style may make significant contributions to the development of the child. Parents must be flexible in creating for opportunities to share both the daily work and events of their child's early development . Parents are responsible for correcting and guiding their child. When parents have to confront their child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or fault-finding, which undermine self-esteem and can lead to resentment. Instead, strive to behavior and encourage, even when parents are disciplining their child.

On other hand t he key to providing safety to children is recognizing and meeting their requirement. It isn't always easy. Children's needs are pretty obvious: tell them about their roll in social and give so environment that they can achieve their goal.

It should to parents that they tell to their teens that how teens can manage their problem and how can they find a successful position in the social. Parents should to understand their teens and to know their mentality about family and give them advice about their responsibility.

Troubled Teen Programs
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Teens Addiction

Troubled Teens Programs

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Today, finding addictive teenager is not difficult. So that, many of the researchers organize some addictive disease program for the treatment of these teenagers. ...........
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