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 »Teens Ecstasy Addiction : A Teenage Issue !
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Ecstasy addiction is a major problem among teenagers. It is not physically addictive in the way that drugs like cocaine, nicotine and heroin are. Some of the teenagers are addicted to the emotional state and begins to use drugs. Some of them also feel that they cannot live without it due to which they become regular or weekly users.

Ecstasy is taken orally, usually in tablet or capsule form. It affects the teenagers approximately after three to six hours. The teenager that uses drug told that, the drug produces positive feelings, empathy for others, concentration of mind, elimination of anxiety, and relaxation from pain. Ecstasy is also said to suppress the need to eat or sleep.

Some times the use of ecstasy produces severe dehydration or exhaustion. Ecstasy can produce some effects like nausea, hallucinations, chills, sweating, increases in body temperature, tremors, involuntary teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision. The teenagers that use ecstasy may also suffer from anxiety, paranoia, and depression. The overdose of ecstasy may produces the problem of high blood pressure, loss of consciousness, seizures, faintness, panic attacks, and a drastic rise in body temperature. Some times the overdose of ecstasy may be the reason for heart failure or extreme heat stroke.

Symptoms of ecstasy withdrawal and overdose:

Child Behavior
  • Depression
  • paranoid delusions
  • rapid heartbeat
  • sleeplessness
  • faintness
  • anxiety
  • muscle cramping and panic attacks
  • de-realization
  • kidney and cardiovascular system failure
  • high blood pressure or seizures
  • hyperthermia or loss of consciousness


There are a lot of treatment methods for ecstasy addiction, in which ecstasy detox center, ecstasy rehab, ecstasy addiction counseling, outpatient care, residential care and meetings are in main. Some of the drug exerts use the chemical serotonin to get the effects in the brain on neurons to communicate with other neurons. It gets relief from regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain.

The teenager should pay attention to drug cravings; the more they want a drug, the less wise it is to give in to that urge. If the teenager feels that the drugs have become a major part in their life, then they need to talk a friend, doctor or psychologist. Sometimes just talking helps, and they can prescribe medications that can help with anxiety, depression, or other issues that may be contributing to the problem.

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